pixel Curso de Propriedade Intelectual [Intellectual Property] - 12ª edição | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Curso de Propriedade Intelectual [Intellectual Property] - 12ª edição


Course Description

This course introduces students to Intellectual Property (IP) Law in general and its two common categories: Industrial Property (mostly patents) and Copyright. The course provides an overview of the main principles and legal rules of IP Law, focusing specifically on the theoretical and practical connections between IP and academic/scientific works/studies and on the IP issues with which the students are likely to come into contact in their different areas of knowledge.

These issues include:

  • Generating and protecting intellectual works.
  • Protection of academic/scientific works/studies by intellectual property rights.
  • Ownership of intellectual property rights.
  • Rights resulting from intellectual property rights, infringement of intellectual property rights (with particular emphasis on patent infringement and plagiarism) and free use of intellectual property rights.

At the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate and develop awareness of the relevance and impact of IP Law on their academic and professional lives.



PhD students at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

PhD holders working at NOVA (Professors, Researchers,...)


12th edition: 23/11 and 30/11/2017 (Thursdays) | 9am - 6pm | Venue: Faculdade de Direito | This edition will be held in Portuguese (NEW)


Course Coordinators:

Cláudia Trabuco, PhD

Ricardo do Nascimento Ferreira, PhD student

Teaching methodologies 

Proposed duration of the course: 2 days (7/8 hours per day) – 1 day of lecture of a more theoretical nature, illustrated with specific cases and examples; 1 day of practical teaching favoring the participation of students in the class discussions.

1 ECTS | 2 days

Assessment methodologies

Oral participation and involvement of the students in the class.

Group works (including oral presentation and written report).

Reading and self-study are relevant to prepare for the classes and group works.


Learning outcomes

  • Understand the principles, function and basic legal rules of IP Law.
  • Recognize the relevant criteria for generating and protecting intellectual works.
  • Understand the relevance and impact of IP Law on academic/scientific works/studies.
  • Recognize the intellectual property likely to be produced in the academic and professional environment.
  • Understand the different forms of infringement of intellectual property rights.
  • Demonstrate appreciation and critical awareness of pertinent IP issues in the academic and professional lives.
  • Demonstrate and develop basic skills of legal reasoning, individual critical thinking and group interaction, as well as interpretative, analytical and argumentative skills in oral and written forms of communication.

Main bibliography

Ascensão, José de Oliveira, Direito Comercial, Vol. II, Direito Industrial, Lisboa, 1994, and Direito Civil, Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 2008.

Bently, Lionel and Sherman, Brad, Intellectual Property Law, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, 2009.

Campinos, António and Gonçalves, Luís Couto (coord.), Código da Propriedade Industrial Anotado, Almedina, Coimbra, 2010.

Cornish, W. R., Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks and Allied Rights, 5th edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2003.

Gonçalves, Luís Couto, Manual de Direito Industrial, 2nd edition, Almedina, Coimbra, 2008.

Maia, José Mota, Código da Propriedade Industrial Anotado, Almedina, Coimbra, 2005.

Rocha, Maria Vitória, A originalidade como requisito de protecção pelo Direito de Autor – algumas reflexões, in http://www.verbojuridico.com/doutrina/autor/originalidade.html.

Trabuco, Cláudia, O direito de reprodução de obras literárias e artísticas no ambiente digital, Coimbra Editora, 2006, and Repetir nunca é repetir: reflexões sobre a reprodução e o plágio de obras de arquitectura, 2008, in http://www.fd.unl.pt/docentes_docs/ma/ct_ma_11165.pdf.

Additional bibliography may be provided by the academic staff members at a later stage, allowing the students to gain a fuller and more specific understanding of each topic discussed.