pixel NOVA projects distinguished with Honorable Mentions by Green Project Awards 2017 | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

NOVA projects distinguished with Honorable Mentions by Green Project Awards 2017

Awards distinguish projects that contribute to the Development of Sustainability in Portugal.

Logo dos Green Project Awards 2017

The Green Project Awards 2017 (GPA) distinguished two projects from NOVA with Honorable Mentions. The projects “BIOTESTE" and "NutraBasss" were distinguished in the category “Research and Development”.

"BIOTESTE" was developed by  Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (NOVA School of Science and Technology), particularly by Professor Maria Ascenção Reis and by Filomena Freitas, both from the Chemistry Department and by Professors Elvira Fortunato, Vice-Rector of NOVA and Professor at the Science Materials Department and Rodrigo Martins, also from the Science Materials Department. The project "NutraBrass" was developed by Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (iBET), research center from whichITQB-NOVA  Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológia António Xavier (ITQB-NOVA Institute of Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology António Xavier) and  the Chronical Diseases Research center from NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas are partners

The GPA Awards distinguished national entities that contributed to a Sustainable Development in Portugal, in a ceremony that took place on January 12, in Oporto, along with the V Conference GPA'17 with the theme "Citizenship and the Future of Sustainability": The ceremony had the presence of the Portuguese Minister of the Environment, João Pedro Matos Fernandes and the Secretary of State for Insdustry, Ana Lehmann. 

GPA is a platfform that promotes good practices and public discussion to susainability, having distinguished more than 120 projects in Portugal in 10 years.

Know more about these awards and discover the winning projects in the website of Green Project Awards