
Discover the path to professional success at NOVA University Lisbon! We are committed to preparing our students to face the global job market from their very first day of enrolment.

Moreover, we closely monitor the career paths of our graduates and the data is revealing: about 90 percent of our master’s and doctoral graduates are in the job market one year after completing their studies.

Our academic reputation and recognition of our commitment to excellence among employers, as evidenced by NOVA’s rise in the latest QS World University Ranking, ensure a promising future for our students, both in Portugal and abroad.


D2 – Employment rate one year after obtaining the degree
= Number of Employees / Number of Graduates


Graduates who are employed 1 year after obtaining the degree

Level Graduates 2017 (N)
Situation 2018 (N+1)
Graduates 2017 (N)
Situation 2018 (N+1)
Graduates 2019 (N)
Situation 2020 (N+1)
Graduates 2020 (N)
Situation 2021 (N+1)
Undergraduates 53,00% 43,50% 40,20% 48,60%
Integrated Masters 90,40% 93,10% 82,30% 82,90%
Masters 90,90% 91,40% 73,50% 87,70%
PhDs 95,10% 93,90% 95,40% 89,70%

Note: N corresponds to the year of graduation; N+1 corresponds to 1 year after graduation


Integrated Masters



Evolution (%)

This graph shows the evolution of the employment rate of graduates one year after obtaining their degree.

Note: N corresponds to the year of graduation; N+1 corresponds to 1 year after graduation

Degree of adequacy between the job and the area of ​​study of graduates, 1 year after obtaining the degree

Level Graduates 2017 (N)
Situation 2018 (N+1)
Graduates 2017 (N)
Situation 2018 (N+1)
raduates 2019 (N)
Situation 2020 (N+1)
Graduates 2020 (N)
Situation 2021 (N+1)
Undergradutes 73,80% 74,80% 80,10% 71,50%
Integrated Masters 89,40% 89,50% 89,60% 88,30%
Masters 86,50% 86,40% 94,50% 81,60%
PhDs 89,80% 90,90% 84,90% 83,60%

Note: N corresponds to the year of graduation; N+1 corresponds to 1 year after graduation

Evolution (%)

This graph shows the degree of advantage between employment and the area of ​​study of graduates, 1 year after obtaining the degree.

Note: N corresponds to the year of graduation; N+1 corresponds to 1 year after graduation



ObipNOVA – Observatory of Graduates’ Transitions into Work at NOVA is an initiative of the Rectory of NOVA involving all the schools of the university. The general aim of ObipNOVA is producing information that is:

  • Rigorous, using reliable indicators
  • Statistically representative, working with small margins of error
  • Extensive and detailed, observing all schools and courses
  • Standardized, allowing internal comparability within the university, as well as externally with national figures and data produced by other higher education institutions
  • Updated, characterizing the employment situation of graduates of recent cohorts
  • Evolutionary, following the graduates trajectories along extended periods

OBIPNOVA Coordination

Professor Miguel Chaves, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
email: miguel.chaves@fcsh.unl.pt


OBIPNOVA Scientific Comittee

  • Professor Paula Urze, NOVA School of Science and Technology
  • Professor Graça Martinho, NOVA School of Science and Technology
  • Professor Maria José Roxo, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Professor João Sedas Nunes, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Professor Pedro Portugal, Nova School of Business and Economics
  • Professor Carlos Filipe, NOVA Medical School
  • Professor Vitor Pereira das Neves, NOVA School of Law
  • Professor Celso Vladimiro Cunha, Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Professor Frederico Jesus, NOVA Information Management School
  • Professor Inês Cardoso Pereira, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica
  • Professor Rui Santana, National School of Public Health

Relatório síntese – Percurso de inserção profissional dos diplomados da NOVA entre 2010 e 2019

(in portuguese)

Inquérito quinquenal à coorte de diplomados de 2009/2010 – Relatório Síntese

(in portuguese)