NOVA University of Lisbon, as a public higher education institution, has the mission of serving society at local, regional and global levels, by advancing and disseminating knowledge and understanding between cultures, societies and people, through excellent teaching and research and by providing services based on a strong sense of community and with the following components:
Teaching with an international profile, with an emphasis on second and third cycles, but based on solid first cycles, focused on its students and equipping them with rigorous knowledge, creativity, critical thinking and a sense of citizenship and justice that will enable them to achieve professional success and leadership;
Collaborative, responsible and internationally relevant research, prioritizing interdisciplinary areas and including research aimed at solving problems that affect society;
Providing services that promote solidarity and sustainable development, in the health, economic, technological, cultural and social areas, based in the Lisbon region and committed at national and international level, paying particular attention to Portuguese-speaking countries;
A broad base of interinstitutional participation, focused on the integration of different scientific cultures, with a view to creating innovative synergies for teaching and research.
More Information in Management and Legislation Documents
NOVA University Lisbon shares, among others, the following values:
- Freedom of opinion and expression and the promotion of pluralism;
- Equal treatment and opportunities for all persons, regardless of their ancestry, nationality, gender, race, language, ethnic origin, territory of origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation, political or ideological beliefs, education, economic situation or social condition;
- The pursuit of excellence in all its areas of activity;
- Honesty, integrity and responsibility in all actions;
- Independence from interests unrelated to the pursuit of its objectives;
- The recognition and reward of merit;
- The commitment to public service, as part of its public nature;
- The commitment to valuing, at the various levels, all those who carry out their activity in institution.