Current Students

At NOVA, students are at the heart of our academic community. In this section, you will be able to explore the supporting services, find out about extracurricular activities as well as the mobility opportunities to enrich your time at NOVA.

We invite all students to follow ‘Geração NOVA’ on Instagram, and to subscribe our monthly newsletter, which provides exclusive content.

In partnership with the Portuguese bank Caixa Geral de Depósitos, NOVA provides all students with an ID card, which may also be linked to the banking aspect, and give access to benefits from partner entities. 

You can enrol directly at CGD’s website from September 2024 onwards.

The Social Welfare Services at NOVA promote opportunity equality as well as student wellbeing: here you can find all the information regarding scholarships, canteens, accommodation, as well as psychology, psychiatry, and nutrition appointments. dinamizam atividades desportivas e de voluntariado.

SASNOVA also promotes the practice of physical activities and volunteering.

Beyond the specific incentives and support available at the various NOVA Schools, at the central level (Rectorate and SASNOVA) there is a wide range of financial support to ensure equal opportunities in accessing courses and also to reward the merit of those who stand out for their academic results (NOVA Young Talent Awards – NYTA).

At NOVA Innovation Portal there are several programs to encourage entrepreneurial spirit are available. NOVA’s innovation area also has specific social media channels where they regularly communicate the available programs. 

Students interested in this area can also follow NOVA Impact on social media (InstagramLinkedinXFacebook).

NOVA Doctoral School’s educational offerings are aimed at PhD students at NOVA University Lisbon. These offerings are complementary to the academic journey and promote the development of transversal skills for a robust and comprehensive education.

An international mobility experience allows students to expand their horizons, enrich their academic curriculum, develop intercultural skills, and create a global network of contacts. NOVA has a wide variety of cooperation agreements that can be consulted here

NOVA students should also regularly consult the EUTOPIA alliance website where they can find various initiatives specifically designed for them. 

EUTOPIA is an alliance of European universities of which NOVA is a part.

Students can easily discover the cultural programming of the University through NOVA Cultura’s website as well as on social media (Facebook e Instagram).

NOVA has a Student Ombudsman as well as Student Council who defend and promote the rights and legitimate interests of students.