NOVA joins UIIN – University Industry Innovation Network

8 de July, 2020

Since June 2020, NOVA is an organisational member of the UIIN – University Industry Innovation Network. UIIN is an international knowledge leader on university-industry engagement, entrepreneurial & engaged universities, and knowledge transfer, dedicated to the future of higher education institutions and their impact on society.

NOVA’s participation in this network will contribute to share knowledge and experiences with international peers, to form new relationships and to affirm NOVA as an entrepreneurial university, open to collaborating with the industry and society at large.

NOVA members may have free or reduced-price access to training, webinars or workshops, among other resources of the UIIN. Find out more on the UIIN website or contact the Value Creation Support Office at

Created in 2012, UIIN aims to improve employability and drive innovation through the university-industry relationship, with a community of more than 100 organizational members and more than 500 individual members. Higher Education Institutions that are part of the network include the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), the University of Bologna and the Carlos III University of Madrid.