
NOVA University has a strong commitment to health through the work of its nine schools, which make contributes to this area ranging from the molecule to the patient’s bedside, to global health. In the last years, more than fifty per cent of NOVA’s research output directly contributes to SDG 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing. NOVA has three schools that are totally focused on health, namely the NOVA Medical School, the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the National School of Public Health, but all the other schools – NOVA School of Science and Technology, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier – ITQB NOVA, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova School of Business and Economics, NOVA Information Management School and NOVA School of Law – also make large contributes to this field. Our aim is to link fundamental biology, technology and health care, in order to improve the health of populations.

To boost this role, NOVAhealth (a multidisciplinary platform) was born with the mission of becoming a knowledge hub in different areas of health, resulting from the collaboration between NOVA’s schools, their perimeter institutions, as well as the health sector at large. The platform creates value from different interdisciplinary contributions, and works in a variable geometry, with focus groups in different fields. Eight groups, composed by researchers from different NOVA’s schools and from external partners, focus on ageing, nutrition, chronic disease and infection, health systems and policies, climate change impact on public health, organization and management in health, digital health, devices and patient innovation, and drug discovery, development and therapies.




Professor Cláudio Soares


Coordination of the NOVA Health Strategic Platform


Alexandra Nepomuceno

Advisor of the NOVA Health Strategic Platform

