To achieve its vision, through the strategic objectives defined in the Strategic Plan, NOVA adopts a Quality Policy that assumes a strong commitment to the continuous improvement of its activities, ensuring the involvement of all stakeholders.
In this sense, NOVA University is committed to:
• Develop a culture of Quality that crosses all activities carried out at the University, establishing appropriate assessment mechanisms;
• Promote the active involvement of students and other stakeholders (internal and external) in the institution’s continuous improvement processes;
• Providing an academic environment favorable to equality and inclusion, promoting rigor and the Quality of Education, in all programs, in order to attract the best national and international talent;
• Guarantee innovation and the quality of all its programs, promoting a culture of Quality in its Teaching and Research activity;
• Carry out periodic assessment of its programs, with regard to:
- The qualification and competence necessary for teachers to perform their duties;
- The adequacy of didactic and pedagogical resources;
• Develop specialized and interdisciplinary research, aligned with the European Agenda for Knowledge and Innovation and with the Sustainable Development Goals that make up the UN 2030 Agenda;
• Stimulate an entrepreneurial culture among students in order to contribute significantly to the country’s economic and social development;
• Foster a policy of alliances with international partners (academic and non-academic) in order to enhance synergies in the field of Teaching, Research and social interaction with an international impact;
• Promote professional development and the recognition of employees’ merit (teachers, researchers and non-teachers);
• Ensure that the Quality Policy is communicated to all NOVA members, promoting compliance with established commitments;
• Ensure the review and continuous improvement of NOVA’s Internal Quality Monitoring and Evaluation System, in accordance with the legal and regulatory norms, standards and national and international references.