NOVA Health is organising the conference “Narratives of Aging”, bringing together experts from different fields to discuss the processes, consequences and challenges of ageing, and to present innovative proposals.
The opening session will be followed by presentations and debates in three thematic panels: ageing processes, effects and new challenges; longevity, (in)formal care and end of life; and challenges and advances related to disease and ageing.
The conference will also include a round table, moderated by Ana Fernandes (ENSP), on innovative ways to age, with the participation of experts such as Carmem Garcia (nurse and columnist), António Fonseca (gerontopsychologist), Rosário Zincke dos Reis (Alzheimer Portugal) and Ângelo Campota (from the intergenerational creative centre “A Avó veio trabalhar”, meaning “Grandma came to work”).
The event will end at 17:30, after discussion of the posters and exchange of ideas.
Attendance is free. Register here, until the 3r february.