pixel International Assessment Process at NOVA | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

International Assessment Process at NOVA

In accordance with the Rector's Action Plan, NOVA underwent an international evaluation process through the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP). IEP is an assessment agency associated and registered with ENQA - European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.

During this process, NOVA will be subject to a comprehensive assessment carried out by peers with diverse experience in the field, identifying good practices and areas for improvement to be developed.

This evaluation process aims to support the continuous development of NOVA's strategy in its capacity to manage change and promote an internal culture of quality.

Several online meetings will take place on the 15th and 16th of April, and a face-to-face visit is scheduled for the first week of June, with the participation of the highest authorities, directors of the organic units, teachers and researchers, students, technical staff, administrative and management staff, and external stakeholders.

The evaluation will allow you to obtain the "Evaluated by IEP" label for a period of five years after the completion of the evaluation.