pixel 10th edition of the Collaborative Research Award Santander Totta / NOVA | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

10th edition of the Collaborative Research Award Santander Totta / NOVA

The 10th edition of the Collaborative Research Award Santander Totta / NOVA, in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities, highlighted the cooperation between the areas of Political Science, Philosophy and Computing.

The winner of 2016/2017 was the project The Politics of constraints: Discursive strategies in a three-level game. Catherine Moury (IPRI-FCSH), Dima Mohammed (IFILNOVA-FCSH) and João Leite (NOVA LINCS-FCT) are the Principal researchers of a team that joins researchers from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) with the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT). This multidisciplinarity allowed to develop an innovative methodology that analyzes both qualitative and quantitative argumentative discourse. The intention is to advance knowledge in these three fields (Political Science, Argumentation and Computation) and create opportunities to build future interdisciplinary collaborations.

The award-winning research seeks to determine how political decision-makers in Portugal, France and Spain legitimize their public policy choices in public opinion at a time when governments are strongly constrained by international actors, particularly by the European Union and the financial markets.