pixel EUTOPIA Talks premiere at NOVA Cairo: Discover the link between artificial intelligence and archaeology | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

EUTOPIA Talks premiere at NOVA Cairo: Discover the link between artificial intelligence and archaeology

10 March 2024

The NOVA campus in the Egyptian capital, the only Portuguese university campus outside the national territory, will host a series of lectures throughout 2024 with top researchers from the various partners of EUTOPIA, the alliance of European universities of which NOVA is a member.

Entitled "Bridging Continents through Scientific Dialogues", the brand new EUTOPIA Talks invite the entire EUTOPIA community to connect with the NOVA campus in Cairo, where the latest approaches will be presented to local students.

The aim is to transfer knowledge and methodologies to NOVA students in Egypt and to promote the added value of EUTOPIA beyond Europe, having already established several partnerships with other international universities. In addition, a series of specific webinars are planned to follow the lectures to further strengthen the links between all researchers in the alliance.

The third of this first series of lectures, on 10 March, will be dedicated to the link between artificial intelligence and archaeology. This time, Marcello Pelillo, Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, will present the case of RePAIR, an innovative initiative that integrates robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence to revolutionise archaeological research - is currently being tested at the archaeological site of Pompeii in the south of Italy.

This project aims to speed up the process of reconstructing destroyed works of art and demonstrates the potential of intelligent robotic systems in archaeological studies.

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The link to access the webinar will be provided at a later date.