pixel Recovery and Resilience Plan at NOVA | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Recovery and Resilience Plan at NOVA

NOVA University Lisbon has submitted various projects across multiple measures within the context of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) funds. Below are the ongoing projects: 

(updated on 23 October 2023) 

(2) Affordable Student Accommodation - Renovation of the Fraústo da Silva, Alfredo de Sousa, and Lumiar residences.

RE-C02-i06: Affordable Student Accommodation 


This project aims to renovate the Fraústo da Silva Residence (RFS), located on the Campus of NOVA School of Science and Technology, in Caparica, Almada. The RFS will feature 210 beds, distributed across 146 rooms, including 3 rooms adapted for individuals with reduced mobility. 

NOVA University has a growing number of displaced students, reflected in the demand for accommodation in its residence structures, including the RFS. The goal is to improve and modernise the residence to provide NOVA's displaced students with an affordable and comfortable accommodation option, particularly for scholarship students. 

The renovation will focus on several innovative and essential aspects for buildings intended to house students, with an innovative technical solution at various levels. This includes the architectural design itself, adopting a functional model appropriate to the territorial specificities, using sustainable and economical raw materials, and implementing a suitable technological solution for construction. Emphasis will be placed on Energy Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability, Effectiveness, and Comfort. 

The renovation is expected to be completed by 26 December 2024, with an eligible investment of €2,443,388.85 and a financing amount of €2,119,530.00 excluding VAT. 

This project follows Notice No. 02/C02-I06/2022, prepared under the provisions of Annex II of the Financing Agreement between the Mission Structure Recover Portugal (EMRP) and the Intermediary Beneficiary National Agency Erasmus+ Education and Training. 


This project aims to renovate the Alfredo de Sousa Residence (RAS), located on the Campolide Campus of NOVA University Lisbon, in the parish of Campolide, in the centre of Lisbon. The RAS will feature 180 beds, distributed across 122 rooms, including 3 rooms adapted for individuals with reduced mobility. 

NOVA University has a growing number of displaced students, which is reflected in the demand for accommodation in its residence structures, including the RAS. Therefore, the aim is to improve and modernise the residence to provide NOVA’s displaced students with an affordable and comfortable accommodation option, particularly for scholarship students. 

The renovation will focus on several innovative and essential aspects for buildings intended to house students, with an innovative technical solution at various levels. This includes the architectural design itself, adopting a functional model appropriate to the territorial specificities, using sustainable and economical raw materials, and implementing a suitable technological solution for construction. Emphasis will be placed on Energy Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability, Effectiveness, and Comfort. 

The renovation is expected to be completed by 17 April 2024, with a requested financing amount of €1,816,700. 

This project follows Notice No. 02/C02-I06/2022, prepared under the provisions of Annex II of the Financing Agreement between the Mission Structure Recover Portugal (EMRP) and the Intermediary Beneficiary National Agency Erasmus+ Education and Training. 


This project aims to renovate the Lumiar Residence (RL), managed by NOVA University Lisbon, located in the parish of Lumiar, Lisbon. The RL will feature 63 beds, distributed across 46 rooms, including 1 room adapted for individuals with reduced mobility. 

NOVA University has a growing number of displaced students, which is reflected in the demand for accommodation in its residence structures, including the RL. Therefore, the aim is to improve and modernise the residence to provide NOVA’s displaced students with an affordable and more comfortable accommodation option, particularly for scholarship students. 

The renovation will focus on several innovative and essential aspects for buildings intended to house students, with an innovative technical solution at various levels. This includes the architectural design itself, adopting a functional model appropriate to the territorial specificities, using sustainable and economical raw materials, and implementing a suitable technological solution for construction. Emphasis will be placed on Energy Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability, Effectiveness, and Comfort. 

The renovation is expected to be completed by 9 May 2024, with a requested financing amount of €635,859. 

This project follows Notice No. 02/C02-I06/2022, prepared under the provisions of Annex II of the Financing Agreement between the Mission Structure Recover Portugal (EMRP) and the Intermediary Beneficiary National Agency Erasmus+ Education and Training. 

(3) New Generation of Equipment and Social Responses - Renovation of the SASNOVA Nursery.

RE-C03-i01: Qualification and Expansion of the Network of Social Facilities and Services 


This project aims to enhance the social support provided by the daycare in the municipality of Almada by renovating the existing building infrastructure and expanding the daycare's capacity to increase its social service provision. 

The project includes the following renovation works: 

  • Replacing asbestos-containing fibre cement tiles, which pose a severe exposure risk to workers and children, especially if the materials are worn. 

  • Enclosing the playground area with an aluminium structure and easily opened glass panels to provide greater protection and safety for the children. 

  • Altering the functional areas in accordance with the technical recommendations of the Social Security Institute (ISS). 

This initiative is promoted by the Social Action Services of NOVA University Lisbon (SASNOVA) to comply with all legal and regulatory procedures inherent to operating a daycare with a capacity of 18 children, aiming to implement changes in response to the technical opinion CA-27-2014 by the Social Security Institute, I.P. Setúbal District Centre, thereby increasing its capacity to 24 children. 

The Preschool Education Centre (CEPE), primarily intended for the children of students and employees of NOVA University Lisbon (UNL), is located on the NOVA FCT Campus (NOVA School Science and Technology), at Quinta da Torre, University Campus, 2829-516 Caparica. This space comprises an area of 233.37m² and an outdoor area of 278.61m². 

The pre-existing building undergoing intervention will be subject to interior alterations that do not affect stability, heights, or the form of façades and roofs. Therefore, under the provisions of points a), b), and c) of Article 6 of the Legal Framework for Urbanisation and Building, these urban operations are exempt from prior control by the competent authorities. 

The renovation is expected to be completed by 31 August 2022, with an eligible investment and financing amount of €113,608.00, excluding VAT, corresponding to the investment component in infrastructures. 

Financial support for the implementation of the Qualification and Expansion Programme of the Network of Social Facilities and Services for this project follows Notice No. 02/C03-I01/2021, supported by the Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Intermediary Beneficiary Social Security Institute, I.P. 

(6) Young Impulse Steam and Adult Incentive Programme - CIVIC and GLOBAL!

RE-C06-i03.03 and RE-C06-i04.01: Qualifications and Skills 


As part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), a set of reforms and investments has been defined to increase youth participation in higher education, graduate the population, and enhance research and development in Portugal, thereby reinforcing the convergence objective with Europe over the next decade. 

In this context, the programs "Youth STEAM Boost" and "Adult Incentive" aim to support initiatives developed by higher education institutions (HEIs), in partnership or consortium with companies, public and/or private employers, including municipalities and local, regional, and national public entities: 

  • Youth STEAM Boost aims to promote and support initiatives exclusively aimed at increasing higher education graduation rates among youth in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). 

  • Adult Incentive aims to support the conversion and updating of skills for active adults through short-term higher education courses, initial and post-graduate levels, in all fields of knowledge, as well as lifelong learning. 

The NOVA project under Measure 6 of the PRR - Qualifications and Skills - aims to foster two cross-cutting projects within the University: 

  1. Transformative Learning for Future-Proof Professionals addressing the emerging skills deficit from the aforementioned global challenges. This comprises 3 initiatives: 

  • NOVA Health Academy 

  • Skills for the Digital and Ecological Transitions 

  • Arts & Tech for Social Innovation 

  1. Organizational Transformation for Academic Success and Employability implementing a cross-cutting approach in the University's strategies and employment creation systems focused on the student/participant, promoting inclusion, and ensuring fair access to NOVA's program proposals and initiatives, with a stronger focus on the two largest schools (together accounting for two-thirds of NOVA University's students). 

The project is also based on four ongoing components at NOVA: 

  • Continuous internal digital transformation of systems, processes, and operations. 

  • Widening access to enhanced technological learning for open and inclusive education. 

  • Operational excellence to ensure NOVA executes its employability promotion strategy efficiently and effectively. 

  • A scholarship and mentoring system to ensure fair access to STEAM skills. 

The NOVA's investment in the project amounts to 12.9 million euros excluding VAT, of which 5.4 million will be allocated to the Youth STEAM Boost and 7.4 million to the Adult Incentive initiatives. 


(6) Adult Incentive Programme - FOSTEAM@South Madeira.

RE-C06-i03.03/2021 and RE-C06-i04.01/2021 – "Youth STEAM Boost" and "Adult Incentive" Programs 


The FOSTEAM@South project is funded under the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR) 2021/2026 (Notice 01/PRR/2021 – "Youth STEAM Boost" and "Adult Incentive" Programs) and is part of the mission "Recover Portugal". 

NOVA is a partner in this PRR project, coordinated by the University of Madeira (UMA), in collaboration with the South Campus Universities (University of Évora and University of Algarve). 


This project aims to attract and increase the number of students (both national and international) to the consortium universities, particularly in STEAM areas. To achieve this, there is a need to expand the range of educational and research offerings, as well as the modalities in which this training is delivered (face-to-face, e-learning, b-learning) in strategically important areas (such as the sea, health—especially in aging-related fields—tourism, data science, climate change, and biodiversity) for the consortium universities. The project also aims to attract adults who are already educated and wish to improve or reconvert their skills (up-skilling and re-skilling). This goal will be achieved through an educational offering adapted to different segments, targeting adult age groups (> 23 years) facing difficulties in entering or re-entering the job market. In this context, NOVA intends to offer micro credentials for adults through its organic units, FCSH and ITQB. 

  • Training Courses at NOVA FCSH 

  • Training Courses at ITQB NOVA (coming soon) 

This initiative underscores NOVA's commitment to enhancing educational opportunities and skills development, aligning with Portugal's strategic goals for recovery and resilience in the coming years. 

(6) Young Impulse Steam and Adult Incentive Programme - TIA - Tourism International Academy.

TIA - Tourism International Academy 

The TIA project, presented under the "Youth STEAM Boost" and "Adult Incentive" Programs within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR), is led by a partnership including ESHTE, Universidade Aberta, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and Turismo de Portugal. Its primary objective is to contribute to the education and qualification of youth and adults through online or in-person modalities, while promoting innovation activities in the fields of Tourism and Hospitality (T&H) based on the interdisciplinary expertise and knowledge exchange among the involved institutions. 


The project aims to achieve the following main objectives through the consortium's efforts in developing this proposal: 

  • Develop activities aimed at promoting education, training, research, and innovation in the field of T&H in Portugal, Portuguese-speaking countries, and other regions worldwide. This contributes to advancing tourism in its various aspects, enhancing national and international recognition of these sectors, and making them more resilient to future changes and trends. 

  • Develop specialized training courses, both graduate and undergraduate, tailored to the specific needs of the job market in T&H. 

  • Leverage synergies across diverse fields of education, not limited to tourism, by adopting a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to address current and future challenges in tourism (e.g., Medicine, Social Sciences, Engineering, etc.). 

  • Promote digital transformation within T&H organizations. 

  • Promote cultural, social, environmental, and economic sustainability in T&H businesses. 

  • Enhance the provision of specialized and quality services in Hospitality. 

  • Develop skills focusing on creativity, quality, innovation, and entrepreneurship. 

  • Directly support the qualification, innovation, and competitiveness of T&H enterprises. 

  • Strengthen the internationalization capacity of T&H companies. 

By pursuing these objectives, the TIA project aims to foster comprehensive advancements in the tourism and hospitality sectors, both locally and globally, ensuring they remain adaptive and prosperous in the face of evolving industry dynamics and challenges. 

(19) Acquisition of Work Tools for Promoting Remote and hybrid work

+ Remote Work at NOVA 

The "+ Remote Work at NOVA" project is part of the Work-from-Home Equipment Acquisition programme under Component 19 of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR). This initiative aims to adapt and modernise work environments at NOVA University Lisbon to facilitate remote and hybrid work, aligning with the institution's digital transformation strategy and promoting better work-life balance for its employees. 

Key Objectives: 

  1. Implementation of Hybrid Work Model: 

  • Introducing a flexible model that combines onsite and online work, as outlined in Directive No. 173/2021 of UNL, initiated on October 6, 2021. 

  1. Redesigning and Adapting Workspaces: 

  • Reducing physical workspace numbers by implementing a mobile workstation concept, optimizing space usage and promoting sustainability. 

  1. Work Equipment Acquisition: 

  • Procuring necessary equipment to enable workstation portability, facilitating remote work for 104 employees. Each workstation will be equipped with laptops, peripherals (keyboard, mouse, external monitor), and other resources required for operational efficiency. 

  1. Creation of Hybrid Meeting Rooms: 

  • Establishing equipped meeting rooms to enable effective participation of team members working remotely, fostering effective collaboration and communication between onsite and remote employees. 

  1. Promotion and Dissemination of Remote Work: 

  • Promoting best practices in remote work and expanding them to all Constituent Entities of NOVA, ensuring continuous implementation and ongoing improvements in remote work practices. 

Expected Benefits: 

  • Improved Work-Life Balance: Facilitating a healthier balance between work, personal, and family life. 

  • Operational Efficiency: Increasing productivity through resource optimisation and administrative simplification. 

  • Resilience and Flexibility: Adapting to future changes and contingencies, enhancing NOVA's resilience as demonstrated during the pandemic. 

This project not only strengthens NOVA's digital infrastructure but also reaffirms its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and continuous improvement of working conditions for its employees, positioning itself as a leader in digital transformation and modern human resource management. 

Thus, the current project aims to create 104 hybrid workstations. 


(19) Internship Programme in Direct and Indirect State Administration - EstágiAP XXI – NOVA

RE-C19-i07.05 – Graduate Internship Programme in the Direct and Indirect Administration of the State 

ESTÁGIAP XXI – NOVA The "ESTÁGIAP XXI – NOVA" project proposed by NOVA and included in this application is part of our strategic plan, assuming greater relevance especially in the development of skills among young graduates. It provides a first contact with the job market where interns and employers benefit mutually from a logic of knowledge transmission and institutional rejuvenation. 

This application aligns with NOVA's ongoing strategy to enhance the qualifications and skills of its employees, with a particular emphasis on the increasingly necessary digital skills. It involves continuous internal digital transformation of systems, processes, and operations, aiming for operational excellence to ensure NOVA effectively executes its employability promotion strategy. 

Within this framework, the project proposes, according to the defined areas and profiles indicated in B4, specific practical training actions across various contexts (Human Resources, IT, Finance, Management Control, Legal, Communications, support services for teaching and research areas, laboratory environment, etc.). Technical specialists will have the opportunity to engage in diverse activities within the higher education and research institution, working in dynamic teams in a university environment conducive to continuous learning and development. 

These actions will be further enhanced by increased capacity through ongoing digitalization and innovation of processes, procedures, and relationships with partners, ensuring a closer NOVA University. 

The objectives underlying the 124 internships covered by this application are primarily: 

  • Enable qualified young graduates to gain experience by working on specific and time-limited projects in various critical areas of NOVA University, such as those related to digital transition, support for teaching areas, communication, and NOVA's internationalization efforts, specific R&D projects, among others. 

  • Enhance the qualifications and skills of young graduates. 

  • Promote employability in a socio-economic context where exceptional support for economic recovery is necessary. 

The roles assigned align with the duties inherent to the category of senior technician according to various fields of expertise. 


Approved Applications under Component 13 - Energy Efficiency in Buildings: 

Integrated Project for Energy and Water Efficiency in Building VII of NOVA FCT

The operation "Integrated Project for Energy and Water Efficiency in Building VII of NOVA FCT" aims to improve the energy efficiency of Building VII at the NOVA School of Science and Technology – NOVA FCT of the NOVA University Lisbon. 

With this project, NOVA aims to enhance the energy and water performance of the building through essential interventions, focusing particularly on: i) the opaque envelope, specifically the roof and exterior walls; ii) glazed openings; iii) HVAC systems; iv) lighting; v) water components; and vi) other systems. 

The proposed solutions for the operation therefore involve replacing existing solutions with more efficient ones, promoting rational energy and potable water consumption in the building. This positively impacts the operational conditions of the building, including: 

  • Improvement of the building's standard conditions with an increase in energy class; 

  • Compliance with legal requirements; 

  • Reduction in primary energy consumption; 

  • Reduction in water consumption; 

  • Active management of installed equipment; 

  • Reduction in corrective maintenance needs. 

It is also important to note that the rehabilitation and subsequent improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings, as envisaged by the project, achieves multiple objectives, including enhancing comfort levels for users, thermal comfort improvement, indoor air quality enhancement, health benefits, promotion of work productivity, extending building lifespan, increasing resilience, reducing the country's energy bill and dependence, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

The implementation of the intervention will result in a reduction in primary energy consumption (tep) by 41.4% (37.6 tep/year) and an annual reduction in CO2 equivalent emissions of 56.18 tonnes. 

The financial support to be allocated, as defined in the approval decision of the respective concession, takes the form of a non-repayable grant amounting to €3,263,197. 

Integrated Project for Energy Efficiency at ENSP NOVA

The operation "Integrated Project for Energy Efficiency at ENSP NOVA" aims to improve the energy efficiency of the building of the National School of Public Health (ENSP) at NOVA University Lisbon. 

The building covered by the application is dedicated to higher education activities by ENSP. Through an energy efficiency audit, several improvement opportunities have been identified and proposed to enhance the building's energy performance, reduce the annual energy bill, and improve its energy rating, fully aligned with the intervention typologies specified in Component 13 of the PRR's Energy Efficiency in Buildings, as follows: 

  • Replacement of current bulbs and/or installation of LEDs for lighting; 

  • Installation of autonomous photovoltaic solar system without support; 

  • Application of thermal insulation on/under the mat slab roof; 

  • Application of thermal insulation on the facades; 

  • Replacement of existing windows with new frames and improvement of solar characteristics of glass; 

  • Installation of solar thermal system for DHW production; 

  • Replacement of HVAC system and installation of Centralized Technical Management System; and 

  • Immaterial Actions (certificates, audits, consultancy, and dissemination). 

With the implementation of these energy efficiency improvement measures, it is expected that primary energy consumption will be reduced by 40.06%, decreasing from 419,786 kWh/year from non-renewable sources to 251,621 kWh/year. Additionally, regarding the impact on annual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a decrease from 104.95 tonnes of CO2/year to 62.91 tonnes of CO2/year is projected, corresponding to a reduction of 42.04 tonnes of CO2/year. 

The financial support to be allocated, as defined in the approval decision of the respective concession, takes the form of a non-repayable grant amounting to €868,212. 

Energy Efficiency Project of the Lumiar University Residence

Energy Efficiency Project at Lumiar University Residence 

The operation "Energy Efficiency Project at Lumiar University Residence" aims to improve the energy efficiency of the Lumiar Residence at Nova University Lisbon, contributing to EU targets regarding the rehabilitation and enhancement of building energy efficiency. 

This intervention's main objectives include enhancing comfort levels for users and residents, particularly thermal comfort and indoor air quality, benefiting health, extending building lifespan, increasing resilience, reducing energy bills and national energy dependence, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). 

Therefore, this project encompasses various measures, including improved insulation of facades and roofs, implementation of centralized technical management, installation of LED lighting, replacement of HVAC equipment, and deployment of a photovoltaic system for self-consumption. These initiatives are expected to annually reduce primary energy consumption in the building by 123,143 kWhEP/year, corresponding to an estimated annual decrease in GHG emissions of 28.17 t CO2eq/year. 

With a total investment of €224,205, the building's energy class will improve from C to B-. 



  • Energy Efficiency Project of the Alfredo de Sousa University Residence. 

Energy Efficiency Project at Alfredo de Sousa University Residence 

The operation "Energy Efficiency Project at Alfredo de Sousa University Residence" aims to improve the energy efficiency of the Alfredo de Sousa Residence at Nova University Lisbon, contributing to EU targets for rehabilitating and enhancing building energy efficiency. 

This intervention's main objectives include enhancing comfort levels for users and residents, particularly thermal comfort and indoor air quality, benefiting health, extending building lifespan, increasing resilience, reducing energy bills and national energy dependence, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). 

Therefore, this project encompasses various measures, including the replacement of extraction fans, upgrading lighting systems, installation of a photovoltaic system for electricity self-consumption, installation of a solar thermal system for domestic hot water (DHW), and implementation of a Centralized Technical Management (CTM) system for lighting and heating. These initiatives are expected to annually reduce primary energy consumption in the building by 500,045 kWhEP/year, corresponding to an estimated annual decrease in GHG emissions of 67.97 t CO2eq/year. 

With a total investment of €537,402, the building's energy class will improve from C to B. 

Energy Efficiency Project of the Fraústo Silva University Residence

The operation "Energy Efficiency Project at Fraústo Silva University Residence" aims to improve the energy efficiency of the Fraústo Silva Residence at Nova University Lisbon, contributing to EU targets for rehabilitating and enhancing building energy efficiency. 

The main objectives of this intervention include enhancing comfort levels for users and residents, particularly thermal comfort and indoor air quality, benefiting health, extending building lifespan, increasing resilience, reducing energy bills and national energy dependence, as well as lowering greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). 

Therefore, this project encompasses various measures, including the replacement of lighting systems, installation of a photovoltaic system for electricity self-consumption, replacement of water heaters for domestic hot water (DHW) production, and implementation of a Centralized Technical Management (CTM) system for lighting and heating. These initiatives are expected to annually reduce primary energy consumption in the building by 378,840.50 kWhEP/year, corresponding to an estimated annual decrease in GHG emissions of 62.86 t CO2eq/year. 

With a financial support of €209,959, provided as a non-repayable grant according to the terms of the approval decision, the project aims to achieve significant improvements in energy efficiency and environmental sustainability at the Fraústo Silva Residence. 


Integrated Project for Energy and Water Efficiency in the Almada Negreiros College building.

Integrated Project for Energy and Water Efficiency at Colégio Almada Negreiros Building 

The operation "Integrated Project for Energy and Water Efficiency at Colégio Almada Negreiros Building" aims to improve the energy efficiency of the Colégio Almada Negreiros building at the Campolide Campus of Nova University Lisbon. 

Through this project, UNL intends to enhance the energy and water performance of the building through essential interventions, focusing particularly on: 

  • opaque envelope, including the roof and exterior walls; 

  • glazed openings; 

  • HVAC systems; 

  • lighting; 

  • water management; and 

  • other systems. 

The proposed solutions for this operation involve replacing existing solutions with more efficient ones, thereby promoting rational use of energy and potable water consumption in the building. This will positively impact operational conditions by: 

  • Improving the standard conditions of the building with an increase in energy class; 

  • Compliance with legal requirements; 

  • Reducing primary energy consumption; 

  • Decreasing water consumption; 

  • Actively managing installed equipment; 

  • Reducing the need for corrective maintenance. 

It is worth noting that the rehabilitation and subsequent increase in energy efficiency of buildings, as envisaged in this project, aims to achieve multiple objectives, including improving comfort levels for users, especially in terms of thermal comfort; enhancing indoor air quality; benefiting health; promoting labor productivity; extending building lifespan; increasing resilience; reducing the national energy bill and dependence; as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). 

The implementation of the planned measures is expected to achieve an annual reduction in primary energy consumption of 905,201.25 kWhEP/year and a reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) of 95.70 tCO2 eq/year. 

Financial support for this project, as defined in the terms of the approval decision, will be provided in the form of a non-repayable grant amounting to €4,657,441.