pixel Internship Orchestra Season D'arcos / Artistic School of Music of the National Conservatory | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Internship Orchestra Season D'arcos / Artistic School of Music of the National Conservatory

8 September 2023


Orchestral internships are highlights in the lives of young instrumentalists. The pre-selection process, the master classes, and the intensive rehearsals lead to a professional reality that informs and enriches them in an experience that is rewarding at all levels.

The first edition of the D'arcos Orchestral Stage - Music School of the National Conservatory of Lisbon - features the young, prize-winning clarinettist Telmo Costa, and the works in the concert are, according to Côrte-Real, "an elegiac evocation of a troubled time that surrounds us".

The concert will take place in the auditorium of the Rectory of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and is free of charge.

Confirmation of attendance should be sent to cultura@unl.pt


The Clarinet Concerto K622 was premiered in Prague on 16 October 1791, just a few weeks after the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), and was written at the request of his friend Anton Stadler (1753-1812), clarinettist in the Vienna Imperial Orchestra. Over the course of three movements (the second of which was immortalised in the soundtrack of the film Africa Minha), Mozart testifies to happiness and sadness, hope and resignation, to the realisation that these states are often not polar opposites but simultaneous aspects of a deeper truth. 

Symphony No. 44 by Joseph Haydn (1770-1827), a masterpiece of musical construction and rhetoric, with a speech of great emotional impulse, was written between 1770 and 1771 for the Esterházy court, where he was Kapellmeister. It is part of the artistic movement known as Sturm und Drang, which manifested itself in music through the use of minor keys, dissonances, chromaticism and a taste for contrasting dynamics, thus achieving drastic changes of environment and previously unheard-of crescendos of intensity. 

This movement would lay the foundations for the Romantic conception of the symphony in the 19th century. XIX century as a musical drama. 




Symphony 44 (Morning), Hob.I:44 - J. Haydn  

I - Allegro con brio 

II - Minuetto 

III - Adagio 

IV - Finale: soon 

Opening of the Secondo Novecento - Nuno Côrte-Real 

Clarinet Concerto, K622 - W. A. Mozart 

I - Allegro 

II - Adagio 

III - Rondo: Allegro 

Telmo Costa, clarinet 

Nuno Côrte-Real, conductor