pixel Tales and Plots - Orquestra Académica Metropolitana | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Tales and Plots - Orquestra Académica Metropolitana

10 May 2024

The auditorium of the Rectory of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa will host, on Friday, May 10th, at 9 pm the show Contos e Enredos, by Orquestra Académica Metropolitana.

The orchestral creations of Maurice Ravel and Aaron Copland do without cinema screens, staged stages, and even book pages. They tell us stories and plots with the “simple” use of sounds that look more like landscapes, characters, and narratives. The young people from Academia da Metropolitana invite us to guess among the timbres of the strings, reeds, mouthpieces, and percussions of fantasy infants, empresses, the setting sun of the new world, and much more. The musical direction is by Jean-Marc Burfin and/or Orchestra Conducting Students – ANSO.

Personal and non-transferable invitations are available to the NOVA community, valid for two people. Reservations must be made by email to relacoespublicas@metropolitana.pt by 6 pm on Wednesday, May 8th.



Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) – Pavane pour une infante défunte (Pavane for a Dead Infanta) (1899; 1910)

8 min.

Aaron Copland (1900-1990) – Appalachian Spring, orchestral suite (1944)

23 min.

Maurice Ravel – Ma mère l'Oye (My Mother Goose), orchestral version (1908-1910; 1911)

16 min.

I. Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty Pavane): Lent - Allegro - Mouvement de valse modéré

II. Petit Poucet (Little Thumb): Très modéré

III. Laideronnette, impératrice des pagodes (Laideronnette, The Empress of the Pagodas): Mouvement de marche - Allegro - Très modéré

IV. Les entretiens de la Belle et de la Bête (The Conversations of Beauty and the Beast): Mouvement de valse modéré

V. Le jardin féerique (The Faerie Garden): Lent et grave


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