pixel NOVA selected by the European Commission to share good practices in the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

NOVA selected by the European Commission to share good practices in the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week

The University thus sees its commitment to innovation and value creation recognized at international level.

The European forum to exchange experiences and discover novel approaches of creating value from scientific findings and inventions – this is the overall message underlying the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week organized by the European Commision (EC). 

The event brings together research and innovation stakeholders to exchange experiences, discuss current trends and challenges, and highlight valorisation opportunities with a wide range of stakeholders.  

NOVA University Lisbon has been selected by the EC, from a large number of applicants from all across Europe, to share its good practices in skills development in IP and knowledge valorisation areas during a session on April 26th at 9:45 am (Lisbon time). This recognition is a testament to the university's commitment to innovation and value creation. The Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Value Creation, Isabel Rocha, will present NOVA's experience with Sciencepreneur® and the ImPact@NOVA sessions.  

Another important moment for NOVA community will take place on April 28th at 8 am - practical training actions which will be delivered by the European Patent Office (EPO), the EU Intellectual Property (IP) Helpdesk, and the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), offering sessions to improve skills in IP portfolio management and knowledge valorisation.  

To know more and register please check the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week website