pixel EUTOPIA Day at NOVA was like this! | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

EUTOPIA Day at NOVA was like this!

Events have multiplied in all the universities of the European alliance of which we are a part - and also at the NOVA University Lisbon schools. 

For the first time, EUTOPIA, the alliance of European universities of which NOVA is a member, celebrated its official day. Under the motto "United for Sustainability and Climate Action", several events took place both at partner universities and at NOVA schools, as we announced in the agenda of this first EUTOPIA Day. All in an unprecedented event to address the most pressing issues of our time.

For example, the NOVA Medical School - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas promoted a round table moderated by Deputy Director and Professor Nuno Neuparth, MD, PhD, and Fellow Professor at the NOVA Medical School - Faculty of Medical Sciences, Pedro Carreiro Martins, on "Raising Awareness of Climate Change", in which not only teachers and students participated, but also representatives from the pharmaceutical industry. As Paulo Paixão, also a professor at the NMS/FCM, pointed out, the event made it possible to "address and signal problems and challenges from a medical point of view, and to present proposals to minimize the problem of climate change, not only in health but also in everyday life and the importance of each of us in our individual and collective actions for the common good". 

The National School of Public Health - ENSP NOVA promoted the debate on what contribution universities can make to mitigate and adapt to environmental threats, with contributions from Babeș-Bolyai University and the University of Warwick, partners of EUTOPIA. A very interesting conversation, which you can review here

The fact is, as Tiziana Lippielo, Rector of the University Ca' Foscari Venezia and President of EUTOPIA, congratulated in an interview on this first EUTOPIA Day, "We are already having an impact on higher education and research". 


 View below the photo gallery of the event at NOVA FCT and at NMS/FCM 

 More about the event on the EUTOPIA website