pixel Webinar ADN - Humanised Leadership, with Sofia Manso, CEO of the Happiness Academy of the Bernardo da Costa Group     | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Webinar ADN - Humanised Leadership, with Sofia Manso, CEO of the Happiness Academy of the Bernardo da Costa Group    

13 March 2024

In today's competitive business scenario, the search for answers to the new paradigm of the world of work is gaining momentum, and the Bernardo da Costa Group is leading the way by launching the revolutionary Happiness Academy
This is an innovative initiative that aims to promote productivity as a result of well-being at work, with strong organisational cultures and humanised leadership. With a focus on people, true happiness lies in human connections and a work environment that values each individual. It's a proven business strategy that leads to lasting success, where happiness and well-being are not just aspirations but tangible realities.

To deepen our understanding of this revolution in the world of work, we invited the head of the Academia da Felicidade to tell us about a project that is being received with great enthusiasm and promising results.

Get ready to discover how the Bernardo da Costa Group is shaping the future of work and join us on this journey toward a happier, more productive, and sustainable business environment.

Register here!

The link to access the webinar will be provided at a later date.