pixel Master's degrees from NOVA highlighted in the latest ranking by the international agency Eduniversal | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Master's degrees from NOVA highlighted in the latest ranking by the international agency Eduniversal

Eduniversal has just launched its evaluation of the best Master's degrees in Management, and in this 2024 edition of the Best Masters & MBA's ranking, several programmes from NOVA University Lisbon are once again recognised.

Eduniversal annually ranks management programs at the level of master's degrees from the best universities in the world, evaluating a total of 1800 higher education institutions, in more than 150 countries. Offering a comprehensive view of excellence, the results are obtained by analyzing 3 parameters – the notoriety of the programs; the salary level of the first job after completing the academic degree; and student satisfaction. Hence the good results of the NOVA University Lisbon schools, in the most recent Best Masters Ranking 2024, stand out, once again.

Listed in 30 of the 56 programs evaluated, NOVA is in the European TOP 10 in 26 areas and the first 5 in 19. Furthermore, NOVA is the leading university in Portugal in 26 of the 30 regions in which it was evaluated. Leveraging on the prestige of the 5 Palmas classification attributed to Nova SBE (there are only 34 universities at the European level with this classification), there are currently 6 NOVA organic units with training offers listed in this year's ranking. 

Of the 30 areas listed:   - 19 are from Nova SBE   - 9 are from NOVA IMS   - 2 are from NOVA School of Law   - 1 is from ENSP NOVA   - 1 is from NOVA IMS / ENSP / NMS / IHMT partnership