pixel Fundraiser for the purchase of ventilators for the NHS. Join us! | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Fundraiser for the purchase of ventilators for the NHS. Join us!

Strengthening the National Health Service (NHS) with ventilation equipment in the fight against COVID-19 is the goal of the campaign organized by NOVA Medical School| Faculdade de Ciências Médicas of NOVA University Lisbon (NMS). The fundraiser will ask the collaboration of companies and individuals in the acquisition of ventilators for the National Health Service (SNS).

The contributions have no minimum amount and those interested in contributing should access the donation form or send an email to Marta Amado -  geral.dir@nms.unl.pt.

We call on all members of the NOVA Community and society at large to participate and disseminate this initiative and help in the fight against the pandemic our country, and the world, are currently facing.