pixel NOVA at the Open Pass for Climate meeting in Brussels   | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

NOVA at the Open Pass for Climate meeting in Brussels  

The consortium of UNICA, the Network of Universities in the Capitals of Europe, met at the headquarters on 19 and 20 March. 

The first day of the Open Pass for Climate (OP4C) meeting was dedicated to training in the creation, programming and design of badges and digital learning passports; the second to the project consortium meeting.  

NOVA was represented by Frederico Pinto from the Inclusive Community Forum, Susana Bastos, Sustainability Manager at Nova SBE, and Sara Recharte from the International Development Unit. 

OP4C aims to capacitate students to manage their learnings and commitments related to climate in a unique European Open Badges Passport.  

Starting with the mapping of eco-pedagogical activities in European higher education and outer landscape (high school, partner organisations, NGOs, etc), the project aims to imagine the first cross-border open recognition system for a specific theme “climate justice and planet protection”, through an Open Recognition System, known as the Open Badges.  

On the user-end will be the OpenPass4Climate, a tool that works like a passport to collect the earning of badges and that is proof of one’s engagement in climate justice activities.