pixel News | Page 38 | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa


Estudo painéis solares FCT NOVA
9 October 2020

New design of solar cells increases efficiency of solar energy

FCT NOVA and York University study develops solution to generalize the use of solar energy

27 September 2020

Access to higher education - increase of students at NOVA outgrows the national average

NOVA placed 2978 students, 401 more than in the previous year.

24 September 2020

NOVA Science Day 2020 dedicated to sustainability

The third edition of this event had a different format considering the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Elvira Fortunato
23 September 2020

Professor Elvira Fortunato is the winner of the Horizon Impact Award 2020

Project was the only Portuguese among 10 finalists

Logo SpIN
17 September 2020

NOVA and Luso-American Development Foundation renew protocol to promote students exchange

Protocolo renova o compromisso de promover Portugal como um destino de eleição para estudantes norte-americanos.
